I have very exciting news! I am now a published author and the book is coming out in a big way today, Tuesday, May 6th!

My Paris Story
My Paris Story – Living, Loving and Leaping without a Net in the City of Light, was written by 22 women and is full of real stories from real women who took the leap to transform their lives in the most dreamed about city in the world, PARIS.

On Tuesday May 6th and Wednesday May 7th we are holding a big launch celebration. If you are in Paris on May 6th, please join us at Place de la République for a celebration at 13h. We would love to have you and hear you stories about how you happened to come to Paris – to live, to work, to play, or all of the above!

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** If you purchase during the two-day launch period. You will receive over a $1000 in bonus gifts from our special partners and authors! **

To create even more meaning around this 48-hour promotional period, we will be donating a significant portion of the authors profits to Paris for the Philippines, an association created to help people in the Philippines re-build their homes and lives after the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan.